poring over

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  1. His lunch did not take long to arrive and found him poring over a notepad covered with scrawls.
  2. We spent hours poring over travel brochures
  3. Or you may spend hours poring over the details and trying to figure out what kind of tests you need to add to your test harness.
  4. Many people imagine code review as programmers poring over source code.
  5. For more than two years, he has come to a small room, taken a seat and then passed the time reading newspapers, browsing the Web and poring over engineering textbooks from his college days.
  6. One day my teacher found me in a corner of the library poring over the pages of "The Scarlet Letter." I was then about eight years old.
  7. After poring over historical records, including the Ingalls 'town newspaper that reported that Mary had suffered from severe headaches and partial paralysis on one side of her face, the researchers now believe that Mary contracted viral meningoencephalitis, which inflames the brain and spinal cord.
  8. For most people not poring over the financial pages, it can all seem a bit strange.
  9. I distinctly remember my high school self, wide-eyed, poring over the soft-core Starr report with friends.
  10. Poring over the numbers, banking specialists said that Europe's regulators had done a relatively competent job.
  11. My father sat at the kitchen table, poring over the morning market reports.
  12. Tens of thousands of Japanese cell-phone owners are poring over full-length novels on their tiny screens.
  13. The tradesman was poring over his accounts.
  14. Intelligence experts and scientists were yesterday poring over seismic and other data but said they could not yet confirm a nuclear explosion.
  15. He could usually be found poring over a dictionary.
  16. A father sat at his desk poring over his monthly bills when his young son rushed in and announced.
  17. He worked intensely toward his goal, putting in brutal hours in test pilot school at Edwards Air Force Base, then poring over engineering textbooks nights and weekends so he could earn his master's.
  18. The Guangzhou facility, which has so many microscopes for workers poring over precious stones that it looks like a science lab, now concentrates on Russian styles, which means using more gold, red stones and enamel.
  19. He spent hours poring over the statistics.
  20. She spent much time poring over the question.
  21. Writing in Foreign Affairs, Robert Kaplan, an American journalist, whose poring over maps also suggests Mahanite tendencies, describes the whole Indian Ocean seaboard as "a vast web of energy trade".
  22. Two psychiatrists spent a total of36 hours talking to Anders Breivik as well as poring over his diaries and police interviews.
  23. He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents.
  24. There also is the computer coach, who spends as much time poring over his word processor as he does on the track.
  25. She took it home and, poring over it, discovered that her employer was violating the law: the electronics company wasn't making extra payments for overtime, and wasn't paying social security.
  26. He will sit poring over his book, and not know when a person speaks to him, or when one drop's one's scissors, or anything that happens.
  27. Counting percentages and poring over organograms is not enough.
  28. We have just spent twenty minutes poring over a sketch map showing the Red Army's forced crossing of the Chishui River.
  29. When I went to visit him, he was poring over a novel.